GOOD - NEW VERSION : v 2.0 - FOR SPECIAL =================== PROFESSIONALS DESIGN (21 Nov. 1994) DOOMERS =================== ONLY ! ATTENTION : THIS LEVEL is a 'BIG ONE' ! - More of 600 hours of work - ------------------------- \ ===== > ! ATTENTION : THIS LEVEL is ONLY FOR PROFESSIONALS of DOOM ! / ------------------------------ IF YOU ARE PLAYING LIKE A FOOL, EATING PICTURES, AND TOTALY HYPNOTISED BY THE SCREEN, PLEASE FIND ANOTHER PWAD. I MADE MY BEST TO PROVIDE THIS LEVEL. (and the next one too). This is a difficult level for people who play smartly, looking around, playing slowly, acting as if it was a real world, ============== ================================ enjoying design and history, taking no risk). =============== ============== \ ===== > ! IMPORTANT : PLEASE, READ RECOMMANDATIONS ! / ========= =========================== ============================================================================ Title : My first level Version 2.0 : it's a long and built on 21/11/94 difficult one. Filename : DMLAMOU1.WAD Author : Fran‡ois LAMOUREUX. Email Address : Or by letter : Fran‡ois LAMOUREUX 24-34, rue de l'Oasis 92800 PUTEAUX - FRANCE. (33 1) 49-00-07-47 Answering machine enable. ============================================================================ RECOMMANDATIONS : 1ø) - This level is made ONLY FOR PROFESSIONALS of =============== DOOM. If you're not playing 'scientific' and as if your were really in this world, taking no risk, you'll never end this level without cheating. 2ø) - DON'T SAVE !!! : it will erase the level. ========== -> Make a copy of the level. ======================== 3ø) - You'll need a 486DX2-50, DX2-66, DX3, DX4 or a PENTIUM computer for run this level confortably. -> An accelerated graphic card is recommended. 4ø) - Play in complete screen mode : it is imperative to do this to see sometimes monsters, ammo and vital informations. You can provide this with the [+] key. The status bar deseapear from the screen but it is now avaible with the automap : use the [TAB] key to see it. 5ø) - Adjust your gamma correction to 'LEVEL 2' : this level has been specialy designed for it. -------------------------------------------- You can provide this with the [F11] key. 6ø) - You don't have to cheat : ALL SECRET PASSAGES ARE INDICATED by SOMETHING : be smart ! 7ø) - Watch carefully your health and restore it as soon as possible : don't take a risk !!!! Even if the health potions are far, don't be a lazzy boy : Go and restore your health !!! ========================== 8ø) - When you are on a high wall, DON'T JUMP : act exactly as if you were in this world. You're propably nerver jumping from a 10 or 40 meters wall, aren't you ? 9ø) - Turn the music off to hear monsters and tricks. ================== 10ø)- REMEMBER : play as if you were REALLY in this world : don't take a risk of diying BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SAVE ! 11ø)- If you have a Doom version >=1.4, some graphic bugs will desapear. 12ø)- The design has been specially made. A lot of effort has been necessary to present you such a level. So, if you only have 1 hour to play, DON'T PLAY THIS LEVEL RIGHT NOW. Take your time to get an afternoon to explore this level. If you trust me, you'll be very glad playing this level. If you like this level try to find and download the file 'DMLAMOU2.WAD' : my second and last level. Be sure to have the 3.0 version of it. It's a good one too, but shorter than that one. 13ø)- Read "Description" coming soon... ============================================================================ Description : It's my first level. It's a long and difficult one. =========== It's plenty of new ideas as you'll see by yourself. I specialy made it for you : enjoy ! Don't cheat : there is no pleasure doing so. As you will see, all as been clearly indicated and designed for your pleasure. And i know you cannot save. So trust me and do your best ! You have not to take a risk at all ! Act exacly as if you were really in this world. Good Luck ! ============================================================================ Additional Credits to : Thanks to Rapha‰l Quinet for his fabulous DEU, to Colin Reed for his fast and good BSP and to Per Allansson for his good GO32 witch provides a very speedy DEU and increase memory. ============================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented : this level is difficult if you don't think and if you're taking risks. REMEMBER : play as if you were REALLY in this world ! New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None ============================================================================ * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Time of work : More of 600 hours. (I made it very carefully and i was constantly looking to built an exiting adventure). Editor(s) used : DEU 5,DEU 5.1, DEU 5.2 with GO32 to increase speed rebuilting and memory size, BSP 1.1x (a good one). Known Bugs : Yes there are some bugs but i don't know where they come from. I had to add stone walls to prevent the 'no more visplane' error. Rapha‰l QUINET and his team are authorized to modify this level to debug it. I'am sure they will appreciate a lot this level ! ============================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * Authors can debug this level if they can : Rapha‰l QUINET and his team are authorized to modify this level to debug it, if this possible. Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. - [ but this level can be one of the levels of an new episode : contact me. ] - You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. ============================================================================ * Where to get this WAD * COMPUSERVE and some French B.B.S.